
Pt 1.

Sitting on a plane looking out the window, I’m kind of disappointed in a blank, dark sky. I can see across the aisle out the west-facing window – a gorgeous sunset. Full of breathtaking colors. I look back at my dark window, void of color and beauty. My side, where I have to sit, has its back to the sunset. Oblivious to the miracle currently happening. But You are near me. Romancing me just as much as the girl looking out her window to a sky splashing with colors. You feel further in the dark sky, and closer in the colors. but You’re equally close in both. help me to understand that even when I don’t see it. I pull out Your Word to get lost in. to escape the depressing stuck feeling that screams to me through the dark sky. Maybe this reading will be colorful. Nope, dark lol. A weird, sad story about a king I can’t pronounce. What book am I in again? 2 Chronicles? Sigh. But I know you are close & You are here in the dark sky. I will choose to believe that.

I look back to my dark little window & I am shocked… astounded. A giant globe is peaking over the horizon. Moonrise?? I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never…wow. It’s glowing deep orange & red and is easily the size of the sun. Is anyone else seeing this?! I point it out to the lady who stops by to offer pretzels and drinks. She gasps at its beauty & goes on serving refreshments to others. I’m too stunned to look away, scared I’ll miss something, surprised at how long it lasts. A whisper soft & deep comes from the place where moths cannot destroy & thieves cannot steal. “I’m taking you to places you’ve never been before, my child. Trust me in the darkness.”

Pt 2.

What is moonlight anyway? The moon doesn’t give off any original light of its own. it’s just a big ball of dust and rocks reflecting the sunlight. Isn’t that what we all are as well? Made from the dust. No real inherit goodness of our own. Just the fingerprint you left on us. Reflecting Your goodness to this dark world. When I can’t see You directly, I will choose to see You in these balls of dust, reflecting Your light & glory. Jesus, make us bright.